Thursday 23 January 2014

Chung-Hee Wong and his sister, Moon Wong, lead an uneventful life in a big, empty house. They haven't moved a single piece of furniture after the death of their energetic and entrepreneurial grand-mother, Chen Wong, who was the head of the family.

They don't have to work, because the Ryokan which their grand-mother has built still brings in some money. They don't manage it of course, that sort of business is far beyond them!

Moon has a medical degree and is making a slow career as a GP, but Chung-Hee has already tried out a few jobs and didn't much like them. Now he's starting to think that maybe what he needs is a family.

He lies awake at night, thinking. After all, the house was built for a family of five, it was meant for children... And it does need a bit of care (I would say: a lot of care) but Chung-Hee can't be bothered and Moon isn't interested in that sort of things.

While on a trip to Shang-Simla, he met three girls, now he's planing to invite them for a visit, one by one. Biyu Shen, his first guest, arrived on Wednesday. She is rather sweet and likes Chung-Hee a lot, they are already "best-friends".

Biyu cooked ramen for dinner (Moon thought it was disgusting) and is very keen to show how good she is around the house.
  After dinner she suggested to Chung-Hee that they should clean the kitchen together.

The next day she got up at 5 A.M. and spontaneously started cleaning the bathrooms.

Biyu has spent two days at Wong's and now it's time to say goodbye. It was nice, but Chung-Hee didn't get even one romantic wish about her, despite all that hugging and hand-holding, so they are parting as best friends.

Right before her departure Biyu had a question for Chung-Hee. I coudn't know what it was (because of course I could only see the "respond to a question" icon next to his head) but I think we may well guess what it was about...

Chung-Hee suddenly got a wish to play hopscotch with a certain miss Lu Zhi, so she will be the next to be invited.
  She's quite pretty and Chung-Hee is very eager to impress her, so he invites her for dinner.
At first it's going well, Chung-Hee is telling Lu about the book he's written, "By the Lotus River". It's about Shang-Simlans who came to live in Riverview and about their difficulties in new environment. He, being third generation, actually knows very little about it, but Lu seems impressed. 

I left the couple for a moment, and when I came back, I noticed that the date was not going so well. Lu is checking her mail while Chung-Hee is reading a book. After a while she seems exasperated that he pays her so little attention, chatting with some old friends while on a date with her!

Meanwhile, Moon had a revelation.

The hospital administration has asked her to get some leverage with Gerard Wayne, her old friend, who works for the City Council. When she called him, she immediately wanted to have first kiss with him. Gerard is divorced and has six or seven children, but Moon has never had any romantic wish about anyone, so.... she asked him out - ostensibly to talk about hospital business.

Moon usually doesn't care much about her looks, but this time she made an effort...

Good evening, Gerard...
While this is not an outfit I would have chosen for a first date, I have to admit she does look rather striking - red lips, red nails, red shoes.

Gerard didn't much like the decor and he hated the food, but he still agreed that the City Council should assign more money for the hospital - perhaps because he actually likes Moon...

He was a bit surprised when Moon just sprang on him and kissed him, but he liked it. A lot!
That went surprisingly well.
(Moon just kept getting another "Kiss Gerard" wishes, one after another, so I guess this relationship will be developing.)

Let's see what Chung-Hee is up to.

He is asleep in his room and Lu is nowhere to be found. Neither is her luggage. Probably she was so bored and offended by his negligence, she didn't even stay the night.

So, new day, new girl.

Chung-Hee goes through his old routine, welcomes Sun-Young Kim with flowers and then takes her for a tour of the house.

I must admit Sun-Young is sweet and funny. She looked around, then started a pillow fight, then looked Chung-Hee deep in the eyes... (and then roof started leaking.)
I was a bit surprised when Chung-Hee autonomously started to kiss her "in the heat of the moment". I was a bit afraid what will happen if she rejects him (and apparently so was he), but apparently she wanted the same thing, even though she was a bit startled at first. Well, they do say that when it's love - you'll know it!
They decided to go out on a date, despite the rain. Sun-Young was very exited about watching "The Three Who Got Slashed".

In the meantime, Moon could think only about Gerard. Due to her non-standard hospital working hours, she had the day off, so... she just invited Gerard in. And - surprise, surprise - he came. (I suppose that being the governor of the city, he can take time off whenever he wants).

If he was surprised by her scant clothing or by the fact that she immediately led him to the upstairs bathroom, he didn't show it. He was a perfect gentleman, and Moon was sooo happy to see him.

 One thing led to another... I just can't imagine how they managed to get the shower so dirty in the process!

I have nraa's whoohooing mod installed and there is always some chance for pregnancy, even if my sims aren't trying for a baby, but I didn't expect anything to happen so soon... they did it just once... (maybe Moon, even though she's a qualified doctor, believed her high school friends when they said that you can't get pregnant on your first time)
Anyway... next day came the morning sickness and vomiting ensued. Do I hear wedding bells? Gerard is a conservative politician after all, he surely won't risk a scandal... err, what I meant to say was: he surely won't abandon the mother of his future child! He is divorced. And has seven kids. Or eight. Well, too many to count in any case. 

So, we shall end this part of the story with Moon suffering from severe attacks of nausea, Chung-Hee head over heels in love and Sun-Young leaving for Shang-Simla with a promise to come back in three days and live permanently with the Wong's.

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